William Dearmont Ritchey
William Dearmont Ritchey was born on March 14, 1840. William enrolled in the military on April 21, 1861. He was a private in Company F, 8th Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry. He was released in Washington, DC on November 29, 1863. On November 30, 1863, he enrolled as a sergeant in Company H, 191st Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Infantry. He was discharged on June 28, 1865 in the field. On June 26, 1862, he was injured while serving during a retreat at Mechanicsville, VA (Ellisons Mill) during the seven day fight. His company became surrounded by the enemy and started to fall back. During a charge on the enemy west of Mechanicsville, he was injured when jumping over a fence and ditch. He spent a short time in the Regimental Hospital in Harrisons Landing, VA before being sent to Davis Island, NY in August 1862 for surgery. Returned to Company on March 1, 1863. William died on September 29, 1906 and is buried in the Bethel Cemetary in Tatesville, PA.
Susanne Hinish, August 27, 1874 in Hopewell, PA. Suzanne was born on September 2, 1848. She died on October 2, 1880 and is buried at Big Bend Beach Cemetary.
John T. Ritchey, born June 14, 1875. He died when he stepped off of a train platform at Saxton, PA.
James Warren Ritchey, born December 23, 1877.
Ira Clinton Ritchey, born December 10, 1878. Ira died on May 10, 1901 in a train explosion at Mt. Dallas, PA. Was married to Minnie Gribble.
Louisa Snyder who died on February 21, 1895.
Annie Elizabeth Ritchey, born April 16, 1889. Died April 25, 1983.
Lavina J. Batzel Rohm, March 6, 1898. Lavina was born May 5, 1861. She died on December 11, 1933 and in buried in the Bethel Cemetary in Tatesville, PA.
Sallie Sylvia Ritchey, born September 6, 1898. Married to Clyde Brallier and then to John Baughman.
William Henry Ritchey, born March 7, 1900.
Minnie Ritchey, died at birth.